It was sewn Quilt as You Go style (QAYG) with fabric scraps added in a clockwise fashion, one by one, and stitched in place. The fabric pieces are sewn onto a base of muslin backed with batting. Once the quilt as you go sewing is complete, this new piece of quilted fabric can be used as desired, in this case to create a clutch purse.
The base pieces were great as is but they called out to be further embellished. First, red cord was couched in a boxy grid like pattern on both sides.
Then numbers were added with white paint and hand embroidery outlined in red.
A zipper was added, and the bottom was boxed, allowing the bag to sit flat.

Bright cheery red fabric lines the purse for an added a surprise of colour and an additional pocket placed inside is just the right size for a cell phone. It's a perfect clutch purse for days on the go.